On what could have been bad news for KLAW ( Kismet League of Animal Welfare) held its annual flea market on a bright hot beach day. Previous dates had usually worked out when skies were overcast and the downtown population was bored and willing to shop. This year, with great weather and fewer items, and powerhouse Christine unable to push raffles at the bars and restaurants, they somehow managed to raise more than ever (see below).
Some brought back items bought last year and watched them sold . Items barely got in the door when they were snatched up. I called Fran of Lemon Tree to rush over because there were four wall hangings that were perfect for her house. She laughed when she got there because she had donated them earlier – but bought two back anyway!
Scroll down for other fundraisers needed for our community

Some were very selective (what a dainty cup for such a big man)

And others grabbed what they could

Gigi smiles cause mom Pat bought more pots to cook in

Joanie is vigilante over the silent auction

…and she won!!!

Some even read………
Must have been a late night as Kron reporters struggle with interview

Time to count the money

How’d we do?
Donations were $270 and Flea + Auction + raffles was around $3600
Wagon of Cheer: 1st prize: Bicycle Bill, 2nd prize Martini : Barbara Bent of Catch 33; 3rd prize, wine basket to Mike & Dusty of the Dusty Anne.
It was really a community event: Many thanks to our volunteer sales force: Me, Helen Quenzer, Carole Thomas, Alice & Mark Nyburg, Alice Schultz, Susan Gerritt, Barbara Winter, Marilyn Puccio to Delores Dabe for Silent Auction
signage; Skee Leeds for transporting our treasures; Kelly Brisco for selling lots of raffle tickets. Thanks to the Inn, Surf's Out, the Kismet Market, Lazy Bones, Margarita Villas, Christine Helbig, Peter Schmidt & Andrea Wikso, Jules & Marion Levine & Dr. Caroline Stern for donating to the Silent Auction. Thanks to John Altieri for donating trash pickup, the KFD Auxillary for their store of books & to Island Beach Realty & Community Carting for donations.
A Beach Cruiser bicycle will be raffled Saturday afternoon, July 3rd, at the KLAW table (Kismet League for Animal Welfare)
By Kismet Market
$5/ticket or 3 for $10

This unique game was made possible by the generous contribution of those whose homes and businesses are featured in the game with 100% of the purchase price being donated in
Kismet’s support of the
Fire Island Wildlife Foundation 4 Poster Tickicide Study.
Not only can you have fun playing, but you can make a difference by getting rid of the Lyme disease carrying deer tick. The game is suitable for children but some adults have developed a more strategic play involving drinking. In a group house? Pick up a game and have your housemates inscribe on the box as a special memento. Family coming to visit? Why not send them home with a game. The deer tick population is starting to decrease because of the 4 Poster Tickicide but we need your support.
The game is on sale at the Kismet Market, Red Wagon Emporium and Miss Alice’s Sweets
From Bradlee:
The Tick Four Poster is a study of the safety & effectiveness of using a baited device to apply a pesticide (similar to Frontline for dogs and cats) to the deer to kill the ticks that feed on the deer.
The study is being conducted on the west end of Fire Island (Robert Moses State Park through Dunewood) and on Shelter Island. It is being conducted by Cornell University Extension of Suffolk County and overseen by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC).
On Fire Island, coordination of monitoring and expenditures is being done by the not-for-profit Fire Island Wildlife Foundation (FIWF). There have been annual donations by the Fair Harbor/Dunewood Medical District, the Incorporated Village of Saltaire and Robert Moses State Park to cover expenses. A small donation made by Kismet prior to the implementation of the project to FIWF was used in 2007.
Kismet homeowners agreed to contribute to private fund-raising (KCA meeting, May 2009) for the project since it is obviously of benefit to Kismet residents and visitors. Kismet residents, Sharon Landon and Dennis Waldman built on an idea originally proposed by Carolyn Durst and created the game of Kismetopoly. Sales of sponsor sites on the board were highly successful and over $3000 was contributed to FIWF over the production costs in 2009.
Interim sampling at 30 sites on Fire Island by the Cornell team have shown a 70.3% decline of lone star tick nymphs compared to a 26.4% decline at the control site and a 13% decline in blacklegged ticks compared to a 24% increaseat the control site.
This is the last year of the study that will determine whether New York State will approve the use of these devices outside of the study. Kismet has benefited by the study results along side Robert Moses, Saltaire, Fair Harbor and Dunewood. Our community has accepted to obligation to provide our share of the funding of the study. We can do that by buying the game for ourselves, our families and, as an introduction to friends and neighbors of our delightful life here on our magic island.
We are counting on sales of the game -- at $27-- for Kismet's 2010 contribution to this project. ALL funds from the sale of the game will go to FIWF.